Misraq Gashamo

Misraq Gashamo ("East Gashamo") is one of the 47 woredas in the Somali Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Degehabur Zone, Misraq Gashamo is bordered on the south by the Werder Zone, on the west by Aware, and on the north and east by Somalia; it is frequently considered part of the Haud. Towns in Misraq Gashamo include Gashamo and Gowelele.

Before 1960, there was no water available during the dry season in Misraq Gashamo; the pastures in the woreda were traditionally abandoned by the local nomadic pastoralists for areas with abundant water with the advent of the dry season, like Burco in Somaliland. In the years after 1960 the construction of private birkas (underground concrete water tanks), which greatly increased after 1970; by 1998 there were 128 clusters of birkas, each cluster corresponding to the number of permanent or semi-permanent settlements in the woreda. By the 1980s, pastoralists grazing in Misraq Gashamo had all but stopped the trek to Burco and other wells in the dry season. While this allowed the area that was previously grazed mainly in the wet season to now be grazed throughout the dry season, it has also led to a serious decline in the native species most favored for fodder and grazing in this woreda.[1]


Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 125,885, of whom 57,700 were males and 68,185 were females; 7,805 or 8.68% of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 22.3%. Information is not available on the area of Misraq Gashamo, so its population density cannot be calculated.[2] This woreda is primarily inhabited by the Habar Yoonis, one of the Isaaq clans of the Somali people.[3]

The 1994 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 72,574, of whom 39,596 were men and 32,978 were women; 5,231 or 7.21% were urban inhabitants. The largest ethnic group reported in Misraq Gashamo was the Somali people (99.98%).[4]


  1. ^ "Changing Pastoralism in the Ethiopian Somali National Regional State (Region 5)", UNDP Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia report, dated 30 May 1998 (accessed 22 December 20080
  2. ^ CSA 2005 National Statistics, Tables B.3 and B.4. Rural population numbers are believed to be underreported for this Region.
  3. ^ Report on Mission to Haud Area, Region 5, UNDP Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia report, dated 15 November 1994 (accessed 20 December 2008)
  4. ^ 1994 Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia: Results for Somali Region, Vol. 1, Tables 2.1, 2.7, 2.12,